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基于2007—2016年湖南省100个 县域人口与经济数据,采用人口-经济增长弹性、地理集中度、协调度指数、重心模型、ESDA等方法,系统分析了湖南省人口与经济的协调关系、空间集聚程度、重心偏移、空间自相关性等特征,探讨湖南省人口、经济变化及时空协调。结果表明,湖南省经济对人口存在事后调节作用,各分区间存在差异;人口、经济均呈现“东密西疏、核心-外围圈层、低等级城市连片”的分布特征;经济对人口流动存在虹吸效应,区位劣势、资源枯竭型县域人口外流较显著;研究时段内,核心城市聚集作用渐趋增强,人口流动具有经济导向性;人口与经济重心均向东北偏移,且经济重心移幅大于人口重心移幅。空间自相关分析显示,人口呈现高-高、低-低集聚态势,经济则呈现低-低集聚态势。  相似文献   
This paper seeks to contribute to the current discussion of the sociolinguistics of globalization by revealing youth linguistic diversity from the perspective of the online mixed language practices of university students in contemporary post‐socialist Mongolia. Drawing on sets of Facebook data, the paper firstly argues that the online mixed youth language practices should be understood as ‘translingual’ not only due to their varied recombination of linguistic and cultural resources, genres, modes, styles and repertories, but also due to their direct subtextual connections with wider socio‐cultural, historical and ideological meanings. Secondly, online users metalinguistically claim authenticity in terms of their own translingual practices as opposed to other colliding language ideologies such as linguistic dystopia. How they relocalize the notion of authenticity, however, differs profoundly depending on their own often‐diverse criteria, identities, beliefs and ideas. This shows that, with mixing and recombining at its very core, the translingual practices of modern young speakers provide us with a significant insight into the co‐existence of multiple authenticities and origins of authenticity in an increasingly interconnected world.  相似文献   
In computational sciences, including computational statistics, machine learning, and bioinformatics, it is often claimed in articles presenting new supervised learning methods that the new method performs better than existing methods on real data, for instance in terms of error rate. However, these claims are often not based on proper statistical tests and, even if such tests are performed, the tested hypothesis is not clearly defined and poor attention is devoted to the Type I and Type II errors. In the present article, we aim to fill this gap by providing a proper statistical framework for hypothesis tests that compare the performances of supervised learning methods based on several real datasets with unknown underlying distributions. After giving a statistical interpretation of ad hoc tests commonly performed by computational researchers, we devote special attention to power issues and outline a simple method of determining the number of datasets to be included in a comparison study to reach an adequate power. These methods are illustrated through three comparison studies from the literature and an exemplary benchmarking study using gene expression microarray data. All our results can be reproduced using R codes and datasets available from the companion website http://www.ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de/organisation/mitarbeiter/020_professuren/boulesteix/compstud2013.  相似文献   
进入21世纪之后,城市化飞速发展的社会现实,对于中国的每一个城市都提出了新的挑战和要求。城市品牌形象以其在城市发展中不可替代的作用成为了在城市发展中的热议论题。2011年合肥进行行政区划调整,2013年“大湖名城,创新高地”这一响亮的城市品牌正式提出,合肥正在巨变中迅速发展。从城市品牌概念入手,梳理合肥城市形象的发展历史,分析其历史意义和必然性,重点结合合肥对最新提出的品牌采取的多种措施,分析新的时代环境下,合肥城市品牌的传播过程和意义,并对未来做出展望。  相似文献   
根据中国东部下第三系盐湖相沉积存在的地质实际,利用地层孔隙热压生排烃模拟仪开展了仿真地层条件下的含盐和不含盐泥质烃源岩的生排烃模拟实验,通过对烃类产物的分析探讨了盐类物质参与烃源岩生排烃的过程。研究表明:(1)盐类的存在加速了成烃演化,促进了石油和天然气的生成;(2)盐类的存在降低了对有机质的吸附能力,加速了粘土转化和脱水过程,且盐层易解理,使烃源岩中微孔隙及孔缝发育,促进了油气的初次运移;(3)无盐泥质源岩发育区虽然滞留大量的石油资源,但由于其岩石本身难压裂,对于商业化开采页岩油并无太大意义,到达过成熟阶段后,可能是页岩气开采的有利区带。盐岩发育区虽然其整体演化过程中生成的油气易于排出,但在Ro=1.28%时仍然滞留着20% 的石油资源,富含大量的盐类脆性矿物而低含粘土矿物,有利于产生裂缝,易于压裂,是页岩油藏勘探的有利区带。  相似文献   
2014年湖南散文创作成绩斐然,个性化表达成为其鲜明标志,其中包含了两个重要方面:在思想情感方面,以个性化的情感体验和对现实人生的个性化思考为亮点;在文体方面,则表现为独特的历史文化品位以及叙述手法的革新。  相似文献   
在文献回顾及相关专家访谈基础上,提出开发区成长指数、成长速度、成长累积的概念,并设计出计算方法,以此对湖南省开发区发展阶段及调控对策进行实证研究。首先划定几个临界值识别开发区发展阶段;然后说明湖南开发区发展呈现的明显的不均匀性;最后基于不同发展阶段特征提出相关差异化调控对策。  相似文献   
曹隽平的《抱朴求真》共四册,内容涉及书法作品、书法理论、艺术批评、收藏考据和采访交游等。其书法艺术作品华美而不乏骨力,流丽而不落甜俗,森严法度中呈现高雅,流畅秀逸中蕴含静气,表现了一种宁静、恬淡、细致、平和的静态之美。其书法理论宏观叙事与微观论证相结合,点面照应处理史料,让读者既能全面把握中国书法发展传承的宏观概貌,又能深入体察不同书家在书法史上的独特贡献。  相似文献   
Drawing from 2 largely isolated approaches to the study of social stress—stress proliferation and minority stress—the authors theorize about stress and mental health among same‐sex couples. With this integrated stress framework, they hypothesized that couple‐level minority stressors may be experienced by individual partners and jointly by couples as a result of the stigmatized status of their same‐sex relationship—a novel concept. They also consider dyadic minority stress processes, which result from the relational experience of individual‐level minority stressors between partners. Because this framework includes stressors emanating from both status‐based (e.g., sexual minority) and role‐based (e.g., partner) stress domains, it facilitates the study of stress proliferation linking minority stress (e.g., discrimination), more commonly experienced relational stress (e.g., conflict), and mental health. This framework can be applied to the study of stress and health among other marginalized couples, such as interracial/ethnic, interfaith, and age‐discrepant couples.  相似文献   
本文论述了新时期广东民族地区的经济现状与发展问题。认为现在是广东民族地区取得突破性发展的最好时机。  相似文献   
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